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Reading Resources

World of ReadingFor over 30 years, World of Reading has offered hundreds of readers in a variety of languages—from Albanian to Vietnamese—from publishers worldwide....

A Road to Reading

We have learned the past 20 years, through cognitive science research, that over 90% of students can learn to read at grade level by...

Motivate Readers Now!

No one disputes the benefits of extensive reading (ER) for students of English. There is a substantial body of evidence supporting using graded readers...

Self-Selecting Success

Reading is Fundamental (RIF), the nation’s leading voice for children’s literacy, has a simple yet effective formula for increasing reading outcomes: choice + access...

The Three Elements of Reading Comprehension

We’ve all heard that when students can read on grade level by the end of grade three, their academic path forward is greatly facilitated....

Reading Research Leading to Teaching Practice

For years, research into how students learn to read has progressed without really making its way into the classrooms where that learning is happening....

Stories of Kindness

A few years back, I kept a weekly appointment with 20-some-odd kids who loved to read and write stories. The unpaid assignment promised job-hungry...

Increasing Space Between Letters Could Help Dyslexic Readers

A study recently published in Research in Developmental Disabilities has shown that dyslexic children may be able to improve their reading speed with increased...

Rumi in the Language Classroom Vol 9: Over-Reliance on One Method

Rumi in the Language Classroom Vol 9 In the last volume of “Rumi in the Language Classroom”, the story of “a man and his cow”...

Reading Is the Answer

COVID-19 Impacts Children’s Literacy For the past year and a half, instead of heading to the school bus stop and socializing before classes, students...

Phonemic Awareness and Phonics Instruction Are NOT the Way We Learn to Read

An appropriate way to honor Kenneth Goodman is to describe a presentation I gave recently as a guest lecturer in a class at the...

Using Evidence to Overcome Adversity

We are currently in the midst of an education crisis. Given the magnitude of the issues we’ve faced over the last year, it would...

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Language Magazine