Tag: bilingual

Building Passionate Teams

Premise Charlemagne once said,...

New Bilingual Educator Grant Opens for Dual Language Teachers to Help...

Hispanic English language learners are now one of the fastest growing student populations in the country. Due to limited state and federal funding, bilingual teachers...

Implementing a Bilingual Authorization Program

In Fall 2022, Whittier...

Iñupiaq in Action

This past fall, we were writing animal counting stories in my first-grade class. I had one of the best experiences as I was working...

Breaking Down the Monolingual Wall

There couldn’t be a...

A Bilingual Path to Literacy Success

I have been the principal at Georgia Brown...

No Sabo

One day while at work, I was speaking...

California Bill to Battle Bilingual Teacher Shortage

Working to support bilingual students in one of...

Embracing Bilingual Assessment

Fluency in multiple languages can increase opportunities and lead to remarkable achievements. As US education secretary Dr. Miguel...

Listen to the Bilingual Science!

Two years ago, we (Dual Language Education of...
Language Magazine